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Prof. Zofia Łapniewska

Prof. Zofia Łapniewska

Associate Professor
Department of Economics and Innovation

ul. Prof. Stanisława Łojasiewicza 4, pok. 2.335, 30-348 Kraków, USOS, +48 12 664 57 22

Google Scholar, ORCID,, ResearchGate

twitter: @ZofiaLapniewska

Polska wersja strony pracownika

Scientific activity

Areas of scientific interests:

Research, analyses, and publications in the fields of ecological, feminist and institutional economics, focused, among others, on issues such as grassroots organizations, governing the commons (including energy), the operation of cooperatives and care.

International research fellowships:

  • 02.2016 – 07.2016 - Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Women in Scotland’s Economy Research Centre at Glasgow Caledonian University, project title: “Growth, Equality and Employment. Investing in Childcare in Scotland”
  • 01.2015 – 07.2015 - Visiting Fellow in the Gender Institute at the London School of Economics and Political Science, project title: “Energy, Equality and Sustainability. Energy Cooperatives from a Gender Perspective”
  • 11.2014 – 12.2014 - Research Fellow in the Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) at the Technische Universität Berlin, project title: “Cooperatives Governing German Energy Infrastructure”
  • 10.2012 – 10.2013 - Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Center for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (ZtG) at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, project title: “Reading Elinor Ostrom through the Gender Perspective. Gender in the Theory of Commons on the Basis of Elinor Ostrom Scientific Research”

Research grants and major collaborations:

  • 06.2023 – 05.2026 – Principal Investigator of the project “The green transition and economic polarization in Europe: a multi-level assessment with Germany and Poland as case studies”, OPUS 22-LAP programme of National Science Centre, Cracow, host institution: Jagiellonian University; grant no. 202l/43/I/HS5/00538
  • 05.2023 – 04.2025 – Member of the Research Team of the project “Development of theoretical underpinning to Circular Economy Programmes: comparative in-depth qualitative analyses between Poland, Italy, and Ireland”, POLONEZ-BIS 2 programme of National Science Centre, Cracow, host institution: Jagiellonian University; grant no. 2022/45/P/HS5/02839
  • 10. 2022 – 09.2024 – Member of the Research Team of the project “Political Economy of Ecological Challenges: Towards Sustainable Forest Economy”, IDUB Young Labs POB Antropocene programme of the Jagiellonian University, host institution: Jagiellonian University; grant no. 1227.112.4889.2022
  • 02.2022 – 01.2026 – Member of the Research Team of the project “Normality under uncertainty. Praxeological approach in research on the (re)production of ‘normal’ urban life”, OPUS 21 programme of National Science Centre, Cracow, host institution: Jagiellonian University; grant no. 2021/41/B/HS6/02718
  • 05.2021 – 04.2024 – Member of the Advisory Board of the project “EC²: Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean-Energy Transition”, European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Brussels, host institution: Zentrum für Soziale Innovation GmbH; grant no. 101022565
  • 11.2014 -12.2014 – Principal Investigator of the project “Cooperatives Governing German Energy Infrastructure”, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Bonn, host institution: Technische Universität Berlin; grant no. 323/thi A/12/00319
  • 09.2013 - 02.2016 – Associate of the Research Team of the project “Gender equality and quality of life - how gender equality can contribute to development in Europe. A study of Poland and Norway”, Polish-Norwegian Research Programme, Oslo, host institution: Jagiellonian University; grant no. Pol-Nor/200641/63/2013
  • 03.2013 - 09.2013 – Principal Investigator of the project “Reading Elinor Ostrom through the Gender Perspective. Gender in the Theory of Commons on the Basis of Elinor Ostrom Scientific Research”, Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, Bonn, host institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; grant no. Az.

Current teaching

  • BA Seminar
  • Competitiveness of Economies – seminar for undergraduate students
  • Ecological Economics – lecture for postgraduate students
  • Economic Policy – lecture for undergraduate students
  • MA Seminar
  • Social Policy – lecture for undergraduate students
  • Value Based Management – seminar for postgraduate students


Selected recent publications:

  • Kull Ch.A., Bartmess J., Dressler W., Gingrich S., Grodzicki M., Jasikowska K., Łapniewska Z., Mansourian S., Nguyen Van T.H., Persson J., Pichler M., Rajaonarivelo H.M., Robert A., Tran T.N. i Woods K. 2024. Pitfalls for the sustainability of forest transitions: evidence from Southeast Asia. Environmental Conservation.
  • Smagacz-Poziemska M., Borowski M., Działek J. & Łapniewska Z. 2024. Post-crises (new) normality. Across social practices and speculative fictions. Futures 155: 103292.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2024.  Environmental sustainability from the perspective of political economy: Challenges and hope. [w:] A. Kuźniarska, K. Mania i M. Jedynak (red.) Organizing Sustainable Development, s. 63-76. Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Kasznik, D. & Łapniewska, Z. 2023. The end of plastic? The EU’s directive on single-use plastics and its implementation in Poland, Environmental Science & Policy 145: 151-163.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2022. Solidarity and mutual aid: Women organizing the ‘visible hand’ urban commons. Gender, Work & Organization 29(5): 1405-1427.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2021. Urban Commons: Building a ‘Communal System’ of the Future. Social Policy Issues 55(4): 48–74.
  • Łapniewska ,Z. 2019. Cooperatives governing energy infrastructure: A case study of Berlin’s grid. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management 7(2): 100094.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2019. Energy, equality and sustainability? European electricity cooperatives from a gender perspective. Energy Research & Social Science 57: 101247.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2019. Institutional analysis model for examining direct democracy phenomena: a case study of participatory budgeting. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica 2(341): 81-97.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2018. Transconceptualisation of Gender Budgeting Ideas in the Polish Context. [In:] A. O'Hagan & E. Klatzer (eds.) Gender Budgeting in Europe, pp. 247-269. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2018. Epistemology of Feminist Economics. [In:] V. Giorgino & Z. Walsh (eds.) Co-Designing Economies in Transition, pp. 109-133. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2018. “Care, labor, and robots: a feminist manifesto for the future economy.” [In:] J. Sokołowska (ed.) All men become sisters, pp. 187-200. Berlin: Sternberg Press.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2017. (Re)claiming Space by Urban Commons. Review of Radical Political Economics 49(1): 54-66.
  • Łapniewska, Z. 2016. Reading Elinor Ostrom through a Gender Perspective. Feminist Economics 22(4): 129-151.

Longer list of publications in PDF